Inter bate recorde de vexames e Grêmio pode conquistar mais uma taça

gloria nacional de repulsa

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Inter bate recorde de vexames e Grêmio pode conquistar mais uma taça

Gloria of the national disgust

Oh, Internacional… The Inter, in a series of disappointments, has not reached a final of the Campeonato Gaúcho since 2021, and its last victory in the State Championship dates back to 2016, totaling eight long years of waiting for the title. These two records represent historical marks for the colorado: three consecutive years without reaching the final of the Gauchão since 1960 and a sequence of eight years without winning the state championship. In 2021, Internacional suffered the defeat of the title to Grêmio, who has accumulated six consecutive years as the champion of the State Championship and is now aiming to achieve the seventh consecutive title. Check out the best memes of another embarrassing elimination of Inter. Inter gives another historic disgrace and Grêmio may face Juventude in the final of Gauchão.

Grêmio Campeonato Gaúcho
Imagem: Lucas Uebel/ Grêmio

On the other side of the story… While Grêmio celebrates previous trophies, the coirmão faces another frustration by losing on penalties to Juventude, eliminating their chances of reaching the final of the Gauchão. The Tricolor takes the field tonight against Caxias to decide who will advance to the final of Gauchão. The Immortal Gaúcho has an advantage on the scoreboard, but as the football saying goes, "anything can happen." If Grêmio qualifies for the final, it will face Juventude, the executioner of Internacional. And if Grêmio wins the championship, it will be the seventh consecutive time that it will lift the trophy, thus achieving the hepta championship, a remarkable feat that will certainly be the target of many celebrations by Gremio fans.

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